- Emily Sparks, inspirational teacher
- Tragedy of Else Wertman
- Passionate Joan Swift Somers
- George Gray seeking courage
- John Ballard’s attempted salvation
- Elizabeth Childers finds peace
- Tragedy of Willard Fluke
- Outrageous Town Drunk
- Repent My Son
- Inspirational Faith Matheny
- Sensual & Daring Mrs. Williams
- Rascal Roscoe Perkapile
- Straight-laced Mrs. Perkapile
- Darling Mr. & Mrs. Perkapile
- Bitter Harmon Whitney
- Dance of an angel
- Dance of an angel
- Heartfelt thanks from Reuben Pantier
- Enlightened Atheist
- Mary McNeely Seeking Peace
- Reuben Pantier
- Uplifting Hannah Armstrong
- Ending Ensemble
- Ending Ensemble
- The Engaging Rob Kirby
- Awakening Dance
- Spiteful Amelia Garrick
- Vengeful Town Marshall
- Insidious Dora Williams
- Johnny’s Gone for a Soldier
- Betrayed Harry Wilmans
- Rage of Tom Merritt
- Lonely story of Mrs. Merritt
- Bitter Mrs. Pantier
- Swashbuckling Kinsey Keane
- Ralph Rhodes and his conscience
- Eccentric Russian Sonia
- Love Poem of Carl Branson
- Enthusiastic Town Mayor