Jerry’s Download Page

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Music Files for It Could Happen to You and DOUBT

Note: All of the files are included in a single ZIP file, so that you can download them all at once if your system supports ZIP files.

icon-mp3-64x64 (74.0 MB) NOTE: The DOUBT files are not provided separately due to the time factor
icon-zip-64x64 (50.8 MB) icon-mp3-64x64 11-The-Way-You-Look-Tonight.mp3 (6.38 MB)
icon-mp3-64x64 1-Overture.mp3 (2.66 MB) icon-mp3-64x64 11A-Manhattan-reprise.mp3 (490 KB)
icon-mp3-64x64 2-Overture.mp3 (272 KB) icon-mp3-64x64 12-The-Search.mp3 (2.21 MB)
icon-mp3-64x64 3-Overture.mp3 (497 KB) icon-mp3-64x64 13-Manhattan-VO2-scene-change.mp3 (1.40 MB)
icon-mp3-64x64 4-Overture.mp3 (344 KB) icon-mp3-64x64 14-The-Search-again.mp3 (1.10 MB)
icon-mp3-64x64 5-Overture.mp3 (344 KB) icon-mp3-64x64 15-Manhattan-VO3.mp3 (987 KB)
icon-mp3-64x64 6-Overture.mp3 (497 KB) icon-mp3-64x64 16A-Drum-Roll-1.mp3 (90.8 KB)
icon-mp3-64x64 7A-Overture.mp3 (344 KB) icon-mp3-64x64 16B-Drum-Roll-March.mp3 (149 KB)
icon-mp3-64x64 7B-Overture.mp3 (2.85 MB) icon-mp3-64x64 17-Manhattan-VO4.mp3 (977 KB)
icon-mp3-64x64 7C-Overture.mp3 (497 KB) icon-mp3-64x64 18-Race-to-the-bathroom-1.mp3 (1.16MB)
icon-mp3-64x64 8-New York-New York.mp3 (11.5 MB) icon-mp3-64x64 19-The-Search-0_0-1_42.mp3 (1.95 MB)
icon-mp3-64x64 9-Manhattan-VO1.mp3 (1.85 MB) icon-mp3-64x64 21-Always-long-version.mp3 (5.45 MB)
icon-mp3-64x64 10-Were-In-The-Money-merged.mp3 (2.08 MB) icon-mp3-64x64 22-Overture-VO5.mp3 (6.11 MB)